Monday, March 11, 2013


Wow! Going to the Chime Charter fundraising show at Cal State Northridge was a total trip.  I knew it would remind me of Julie but I had no idea how much.  They kept saying things like "Chime Charter School began in 2001 in a small church in Winnetka..." and I'd think: "Yeah, the church Julie had found for them!"  They'd say: "Chime Charter began with 70 students" and I'd think: "Yeah, and my kids were two of them!"

And then to have my wife Sharon and my stepson Nick involved, even for just one night, almost exactly 10 years after Julie's accident, was mind-blowing!

Nick did really well onstage, though he did leave for a pee break! He's a big Benjamin Bratt fan, and it was great to see Bratt take Nick under his wing, literally: he helped Nick find his marks onstage and otherwise seemed very protective of him.

And then out comes Sharon, moving microphones and breaking down the bass rig! Kind of late for a Roadie Career, but it was so cool to see her doing it!

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