I just happened to be looking for images to illustrate a planned album called BROWN ALERT. Surprise! Somebody already released an album under that name! (Available on Amazon Music.) So now I'm temporarily calling that project HEATSTROKE ALLEY.
Then I figured: while I'm at it, I may as well lay out my future projects on this page, just so I have a record of what I tried to do when it all falls apart! So here they are, in order of possible release:
This one's very close to being finished. Just need vocals, some keyboards, acoustic guitars and final drums, then editing and mixing. Projected release date is mid-July 2021.
UPDATE: July 29 - just another day or two until PROJECT 5 is completed. So happy to be finishing! I haven't started the final cover yet so there will be a little delay before the whole thing is ready to ship and upload, but I'm thrilled nonetheless. Before moving over to HEATSTROKE ALLEY I have a lot of Stein and Illes tapes to copy, and old music demo cassettes to go through.
2. ELMWOOD - The Album
A wild card. Stuck for over a decade at 65% completion, this is an album I could finish in about three months if I were inspired, but the project is so old that it's hard to keep my enthusiasm going at full speed. However, even incomplete, it's one of my favorite projects and is a true concept album. October-November 2021?
UPDATE July 29: the plan now is take two songs from ELMWOOD and put them on HEATSTROKE ALLEY. That still leaves me the option to finish at some future date.
An album with songs similar to PROJECT 5, but with possibly more involved keyboard instrumentals and longer guitar-centric tracks. Could even be a double album. In this order of release, completion of this album might go right up against my family's projected move to Oregon around May 2022. Hoping for painted artwork by my wife Sharon.
An album dedicated to songs with drum machines and drum samples. It's later on the list because I need to time to collect more drum loops and collate the songs. Might not start this one until after the big move.
5. Back-GROUND
No guitar solos or vocals, just Backgrounds. Sort of the opposite of Stopgap Sam. WAY in the distance!