Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Eerie Flashback

A week after I had to sell my beloved '70 Mustang for scrap in 1990, it appeared in an episode of TALES FROM THE CRYPT, and I just HAPPENED to be the sound editor on that particular scene - no advance warning, just: "That's my car!!"

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dino and Elizabeth on Folktales Cassette!

Almost 3/4 of a year ago, Elizabeth and I recorded a version of the Michelle Branch song EVERYWHERE for a small indie label's Top 40 compilation.

The double cassette project (!!) is finally released, but there are only 300 copies.  The songs can also be streamed online.

I've barely made it through the first 10 songs, and they are OUT THERE, but a lot of fun.  My submission is more traditional, and Eliz sings beautifully.

For info and streaming:

Friday, April 19, 2013

This Damned Week!

Still only Friday! Bombs, explosions, gun background check fail... and then the Hollywood Hooters gets a bomb scare and traffic turns into the Wild West while I'm trying to meet Sharon at the WSP for "To The Wonder!"

I liked the movie and wished it wouldn't end; however, I did not connect emotionally as I did with Tree of Life.  As whacked as that movie was, there were scenes of family life and growing up as a boy in the late 50's /early 60's that tore my heart out.  This one, I felt more like an observer.

But Sharon was very sweet to agree to my choice, and it's always nice to get out and see good films with state of the art picture, sound, and actual buttered popcorn (though you must ask for the butter!)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Nice Butt!

This is why I didn't have any girlfriends in 1968 (or '69, '70, '71, '72...)

Thanks to my old pal and Scout Leader John Doucette for the Blast from the Past!

Friday, April 12, 2013

LEGIT Finale!

Sharon & I spent our anniversary evening with Nick and the cast of LEGIT, watching the last episode of the season at Jim & Kate's house in the Hollywood Hills!

Very surreal, to watch the show and then see Jim, Dan, DJ, Mindy, Nick, and Kate watching themselves!

Had nice conversations with Dan about records and Walt about shooting the series.

They're all really nice, genuine people, and I'm so glad Nick has found such a great family of actors to work with.

Sharon and I had exchanged cards before we left - Sharon got us some beautiful personalized champaign glasses  ("Dino and Sharon 3rd Anniversary") - and once home we had sparkling wine and Astro Burger before watching LEGIT again!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Anniversary Sharon! April 11, 2010

Three years? Can that really be ALL?

Oh wait... next June, we'll have been together EIGHT years!

Regardless, Sharon, thank you so much for your generosity and your amazing capacity to love in taking on both me (hard enough!) and my two kids (are you kidding?!)

I hope your joys in this marriage continue to be many, and your regrets few.

And I can't think of a better way to celebrate than an early east coast viewing of Rodney On Legit!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Sharon!

Sharon is 51? Barely seems possible!

And OF COURSE today of all days would be a nightmare for you at work...

But the whole, extended family will celebrate with you tonight!

Love you Sweetie!  xoxoxoxo

UPDATE April 3:

Had a really nice dinner at La Cabana in Venice with Sharon, Nick, Sam & Liberty, Sarah,
Friday, and Elizabeth, plus Hailey the babysitter.

The food was good but more importantly AFFORDABLE.  Of course, Friday ate too much and had to stay home sick today (what's he gonna do about that in the Army?)

Sharon opened some gifts at the restaurant and then came home to open mine.  Not the greatest array but she seemed pleased.  And then, I was finally able to give her my "Audio Birthday Card" which was a CD greeting from a Sam Elliott soundalike! I don't think she was fooled (and James Herron, the actor, admits he's not Sam halfway through) but her facial expressions while listening were priceless.